SEC 3: How do you manage permissions for people and machines?
Manage permissions to control access to people and machine identities that require access to AWS and your workload. Permissions control who can access what, and under what conditions.
Become an IAM Policy Master in 60 Minutes or Less
Separation of Duties, Least Privilege, Delegation, and CI/CD
Grant least privilege
Working with Policies
IAM Access Analyzer
Remove unnecessary credentials
Attribute-based access control (ABAC)
Best Practices:
Define access requirements: Each component or resource of your workload needs to be accessed by administrators, end users, or other components. Have a clear definition of who or what should have access to each component, choose the appropriate identity type and method of authentication and authorization.
Grant least privilege access: Grant only the access that identities require by allowing access to specific actions on specific AWS resources under specific conditions. Rely on groups and identity attributes to dynamically set permissions at scale, rather than defining permissions for individual users. For example, you can allow a group of developers access to manage only resources for their project. This way, when a developer is removed from the group, access for the developer is revoked everywhere that group was used for access control, without requiring any changes to the access policies.
Establish emergency access process: A process that allows emergency access to your workload in the unlikely event of an automated process or pipeline issue. This will help you rely on least privilege access, but ensure users can obtain the right level of access when they require it. For example, establish a process for administrators to verify and approve their request.
Reduce permissions continuously: As teams and workloads determine what access they need, remove permissions they no longer use and establish review processes to achieve least privilege permissions. Continuously monitor and reduce unused identities and permissions.
Define permission guardrails for your organization: Establish common controls that restrict access to all identities in your organization. For example, you can restrict access to specific AWS Regions, or prevent your operators from deleting common resources, such as an IAM role used for your central security team.
Manage access based on life cycle: Integrate access controls with operator and application life cycle and your centralized federation provider. For example, remove a user’s access when they leave the organization or change roles.
Analyze public and cross account access: Continuously monitor findings that highlight public and cross account access. Reduce public access and cross account access to only resources that require this type of access.
Share resources securely: Govern the consumption of shared resources across accounts or within your AWS Organization. Monitor shared resources and review shared resource access.
Improvement Plan
Define access requirements
IAM use cases
Grant least privilege access
Grant least privilege
Reducing policy scope by viewing user activity
View role access
Lab: IAM permissions boundaries delegating role creation
Lab: IAM tag based access control for EC2
Attribute-based access control (ABAC)
Establish emergency access process
Tutorial: Delegate Access Across AWS Accounts Using IAM Roles
Reduce permissions continuously
AWS IAM Access Analyzer
Define permission guardrails for your organization
AWS Organizations Service Control Policies
AWS Control Tower Guardrails
Manage access based on life cycle
Analyze public and cross account access
AWS IAM Access Analyzer
Share resources securely
AWS Resource Access Manager