SEC 1: How do you securely operate your workload?
To operate your workload securely, you must apply overarching best practices to every area of security. Take requirements and processes that you have defined in operational excellence at an organizational and workload level, and apply them to all areas. Staying up to date with AWS and industry recommendations and threat intelligence helps you evolve your threat model and control objectives. Automating security processes, testing, and validation allow you to scale your security operations.
Security Best Practices the Well-Architected Way
Managing Multi-Account AWS Environments Using AWS Organizations
Enable AWS adoption at scale with automation and governance
AWS Security Hub: Manage Security Alerts and Automate Compliance
Using AWS Control Tower to Govern Multi-Account AWS Environments
IAM Best Practices
Getting started with AWS Organizations
AWS Control Tower
Security Bulletins
AWS Security Audit Guidelines
How to use service control policies to set permission guardrails across accounts in
your AWS Organization
Best Practices:
Separate workloads using accounts: Organize workloads in separate accounts and group accounts based on function or a common set of controls rather than mirroring your company’s reporting structure. Start with security and infrastructure in mind to enable your organization to set common guardrails as your workloads grow.
Secure AWS account: Secure access to your accounts, for example by enabling MFA and restrict use of the root user, and configure account contacts.
Identify and validate control objectives: Based on your compliance requirements and risks identified from your threat model, derive and validate the control objectives and controls that you need to apply to your workload. Ongoing validation of control objectives and controls help you measure the effectiveness of risk mitigation.
Keep up to date with security threats: Recognize attack vectors by staying up to date with the latest security threats to help you define and implement appropriate controls.
Keep up to date with security recommendations: Stay up to date with both AWS and industry security recommendations to evolve the security posture of your workload.
Automate testing and validation of security controls in pipelines: Establish secure baselines and templates for security mechanisms that are tested and validated as part of your build, pipelines, and processes. Use tools and automation to test and validate all security controls continuously. For example, scan items such as machine images and infrastructure as code templates for security vulnerabilities, irregularities, and drift from an established baseline at each stage.
Identify and prioritize risks using a threat model: Use a threat model to identify and maintain an up-to-date register of potential threats. Prioritize your threats and adapt your security controls to prevent, detect, and respond. Revisit and maintain this in the context of the evolving security landscape.
Evaluate and implement new security services and features regularly: AWS and APN Partners constantly release new features and services that allow you to evolve the security posture of your workload.
Improvement Plan
Separate workloads using accounts
Getting started with AWS Organizations
How to use service control policies to set permission guardrails across accounts in your AWS Organization
AWS Control Tower
Secure AWS account
Getting started with AWS Organizations
How to use service control policies to set permission guardrails across accounts in your AWS Organization
AWS Tasks That Require AWS Account Root User Credentials
Lab: AWS account and root user
Root user
Changing the AWS account root user password
How to receive notifications when your AWS account's root access keys are used
Setting permissions to enable accounts for upcoming AWS Regions
Use CloudFormation StackSets
Identify and validate control objectives
Keep up to date with security threats
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures List
AWS Shield
Keep up to date with security recommendations
AWS Well-Architected Labs
AWS security blog
AWS service documentation
Example: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures List
Automate testing and validation of security controls in pipelines
AWS Systems Manager
AWS CloudFormation
Set Up a CI/CD Pipeline on AWS
Identify and prioritize risks using a threat model
NIST: Guide to Data-Centric System Threat Modeling
Evaluate and implement new security services and features regularly
AWS security blog
AWS security bulletins
AWS service documentation
Remediating non-compliant AWS resources by AWS Config Rules