COST 7: How do you use pricing models to reduce cost?
Use the pricing model that is most appropriate for your resources to minimize expense.
Instance purchasing options
Accessing Reserved Instance recommendations
Save up to 90% and run production workloads on Spot
Best Practices:
Perform pricing model analysis: Analyze each component of the workload. Determine if the component and resources will be running for extended periods (for commitment discounts), or dynamic and short running (for spot or on-demand). Perform an analysis on the workload using the Recommendations feature in AWS Cost Explorer.
Implement regions based on cost: Resource pricing can be different in each region. Factoring in region cost ensures you pay the lowest overall price for this workload
Select third party agreements with cost efficient terms: Cost efficient agreements and terms ensure the cost of these services scales with the benefits they provide. Select agreements and pricing that scale when they provide additional benefits to your organization.
Implement pricing models for all components of this workload: Permanently running resources should utilize reserved capacity such as Savings Plans or reserved Instances. Short term capacity is configured to use Spot Instances, or Spot Fleet. On demand is only used for short-term workloads that cannot be interrupted and do not run long enough for reserved capacity, between 25% to 75% of the period, depending on the resource type.
Perform pricing model analysis at the master account level: Use Cost Explorer Savings Plans and Reserved Instance recommendations to perform regular analysis at the master account level for commitment discounts.
Improvement Plan
Perform pricing model analysis
Well-Architected Lab: Pricing Models
Well-Architected Lab: Cost Explorer
Well-Architected Lab: Cost Visualization
Implement regions based on cost
Amazon EC2 pricing
Region Table
Select third party agreements with cost efficient terms
Implement pricing models for all components of this workload
How to Purchase Reserved Instances
Spot Instances
EC2 Fleet
Perform pricing model analysis at the master account level
Well-Architected Lab: Pricing Models